On CIGRE International’s behalf, Stichting CIGRE Nederland encourages and promotes the exchange of knowledge about electricity transmission and generation nationally and internationally in the Netherlands. Companies, organisations, institutes and young professionals all work together in the knowledge network.
CIGRE is represented in more than 90 countries and, as such, provides a global forum for the development and open exchange of knowledge, information and expertise in the electricity sector that is both technically-relevant for and practical for the future of electric energy systems. This gives our members a unique opportunity to further develop technical competencies, both individually and collectively, at a national and international level, and also to strengthen authoritative, unbiased technical advice.
‘Stichting CIGRE Nederland is contributing to the development, sharing and cross-sectoral pooling of (national and international) knowledge about energy systems by investing in the knowledge development of our members, which will advance the energy transition and make it a success’
'To be recognised as the leading organisation for every aspect of electrical energy systems'
‘To promote engagement and knowledge exchange between energy professionals in the Netherlands and throughout the world to pave the way for a sustainable electricity supply for everyone’
‘Impartiality: providing completely-impartial technical information about and solutions to problems and issues with electrical energy systems’
Value proposal
- Connect all players in the CIGRE network
- Tap into relevant subjects
- Develop knowledge
- Safeguard the quality of content
- Provide authoritative, unbiased technical advice
- Cross-sectoral connection for the Energy Transition
- Presentation on (international) stage